Billy Elliot

Directed by Stephen Daldry and written by Lee Hall this film was made in 2000 and set in Everington in UK Billy who left boxing for ballet, but he had to do it secretly because his father forbidden him to do it.

The film is set when the miners were in strike in from 1984 till 1985 which has been a very important struggle for his father and brother.

I really like the movie because Billy without his mother, which would be an important support for him, could made his dream come true and also considering the difficult times that he was living. However his father, at the end, supports him and that scene was I like the most.

On the other hand, the music that the director selected was very cheerful and I immediately started to download them… It was so funny.

There were some features when I

watched the film such as: when the director filmed the beginning of the movie, Billy was youngest from the first scenes and the changes of his body were notorious.

This film is a very good film, well made and the obviously the message of perseverance that Billy had to reach his goal is the most important.

Main characters:

Adolescent pregnancy… Daniela Wilson.

Daniela mentioned some important aspect that are much related to the lack of information, but mainly is the socio cultural factor, the early initiation sexuality, the economic family problem and lack of information about protection conceptive.

As a teacher, we have to guide student and realize them that being parents is not easier than being students, but if they are alone we have to support them as soon as possible.

The presentation was well structured and she also made a good use of visual aids showing very good images about the topic.

Subcultures… By Juan Pablo Solorzano.

Juan Pablo talked about urban tribes which are very related and closer to us because we are going to teach to adolescents and we have to know which of these tribes they belong.

Another important aspect to know is what are the things that these tribes make to be part of them.

The urban tribes are commonly well known in our society, because they are the movements that young people follow like hippies were in 60´s.

This presentation was quiet good in terms of the use of visual aids and he also was very comfortable about he was explaining us.

Friendship… By Maria Teresa Buch

The presentation that Maria Teresa prepared was brief and precise, she was very nervous, but she could make a good performance.

First of all, she gave a definition about what a friend is and specified that we have to be friends of our students even if we are head teachers.

I think that friendship is a big word, personally I have not too much friends because I consider just a few people as a good friends; however you can be very friendly with everybody, but does not mean that all of them are.

I really like this presentation because she also showed a very cute video which represented the real sense of friendship.

Diversity… By Mauricio Lillo

This micro lesson was very good presented and he also gave us advices to considerer as a person such us: be respectful each other and obviously with our students, tolerate the sexual orientation, share cultures etc.

Mauricio did not use much speech, but he made us talk about definitions of diversity which was a very good performance because we, as teachers have to overtake any cultural, thoughts or sexual diversity, we applied in every aspect when we are inside the classroom respecting us each other. This is the key to be a good teacher.

Stress… By Yhincy Contreras

Yhincy made a good micro lesson, it was well structured and the use of the classroom was appropriate to develop the topic.

Yhincy mentioned the symptoms or signs that stress involves which were physical, behavior and psychological. In my opinion I have to say that stress is a very common word used in these times because we are living in a very stressful society, but the thing is how we can live with this, the answer is in each one of us, it can have some aspect that we have to considering as a part from us I mean acquired with us because we cannot stop stress but we have to overtake it.

Sports in education… Juan Gonzalez

Juan started his presentation with a debate in which one group was against the topic and the other was for, the opinions were, in the case of “against group”, that football players do not know how to express their comments or opinion when they are interviewed and the “for group” said that sports are healthy habits which prevent illness and help the concentration.

Personally, I think that sports have be included in the scholar curricular program and if we, as a English teacher can added it as a tool to the students knowledge, why not? I also think that improve the physical state if it is applied correctly in the curricular program.

The presentation that Juan made was interesting for me because I like do exercise so, I support his idea; however the debate was too much longer and did not help him to make it right.

Body language… By Yara Faunes.

As Yara said to us body language is more productive and is a very important tool that we have to train to express what we want to say, but with our bodies. Body language helps to get physical contact and visual mode; however our bodies exaggerate as she demonstrate in the videos that she showed us which represent some gesture that could be useful to know.

When we teach in schools our body represent all we as a person, for example eye contact which is the most important skill that we have to develop with our students and in the other hand our facial expression has to be represented in the right way I mean to control in the different situations.

The presentation that Yara gave was well prepared and structured; the topic was also important and interesting for us.

Less word and more actions… By Eduardo Maldonado.

Eduardo talked about three projects which are very related to us, these were Innovacien which is about to the effective use of technology, Chileidiomas based on weekends in english and finally Pichilemu which will considered surf as a subject in their schools.

These projects are connected with English language in terms of educational aspects and show us how funny would be learn in different ways. We as teacher have to find the alternatives to get our students engaged, but at the same time learning contents and these examples help us change the common strategies used nowadays.

Behind a social network service… By Nadia Palma

Facebook, the most popular and very used webpage to get information and news from people who has an account.

Nadia showed us two videos which realized us the negative effect of the webpage so, having considered these effects, we as teacher, have to guide our students to be careful about the information that this webpage acquire from everybody… that is why Nadia mentioned some important such as: Read the terms of privacy, do not publish home address or phone numbers, Accept people that you really know and keep the profile as private.

In the presentation Nadia was very self-confidence, she has control of the audience and the topic too, she also made me realize these important aspect for me on my facebook account.

Slangs …By Jorge Pierola

The presentation that my classmate gave us was quiet similar to a micro lesson, but was is important?

I think that the topic is interesting and good to know it; however I think that is not fundamental. He started asking if we know what slang is, but not many of us knew it, the he gave a definition what slang is… Personally, I did not know much about it, I mean, just some word and the amount of words that he told us were too many so, I could realize that some of them are very interesting to know, it was funny.

According to the presentation he knew about the topic, but he was well prepared. I think that his presentation was messy, but engaged.

Instituto Nacional… By Gustavo

Being an important school, Instituto Nacional is not a relevant topic to be presented as micro lesson as my classmate did it.

Nevertheless I think that this school is one of the best of Santiago, but what is the secret that make it different?

Despite of content of the presentation the questions that come to my head are many some of them are… are the teachers the responsible the level of the school? Or is the selection process that make it one of the best public school?... It could be both; however, I think that most important roles are the students and their interest, because if students are not worried about their education, they are going to be in some other school which the level lower than the school that accomplish their goals.

In terms of the presentation, Gustavo was very nervous so, it does not make a good performance of his ex-school, but he did a good use of the video, the management and the time.

Obesity and sedentary lifestyle… Stephanie Bravo

We have been hearing about obesity for years, but are we doing something against this problem?

As Stephanie mentioned and showed in a video, in USA there are too many children who do not practice sport and eat unhealthy food. Personally, I think that Chilean children obesity came from their homes and also from advertises which are always showing attractive images and cheap products in junk food.

If we, as teachers, help their students telling all the time not to eat unhealthy food or incentive them to do more exercises… Are they going to believe us? I do not think so; I think that this problem is a school and management level in terms of sport programs, sell healthy food in kiosks or teach healthy habits as a lesson plan so, we can help supporting these proposal but we can not make a change.

Relaxation techniques… By Daisy Barril

The techniques about relaxation have been popular in these times; However Do we use them?

The presentation that Daisy gave us was very important for us, she started asking questions about the topic like a brainstorming then she told us about the objective of the relaxation techniques.

Nowadays, we are living in a very stressful society, but who help us?

That is why we, as teachers have to help our students from the beginning I mean in their early years with psychology and these useful relaxation techniques which the most important are deep breathing and visualization.

In terms of the presentation, Daisy was not look confident about her topic but she tried to do the best.

Games as an educational tool… By Francisca Nuñez.

When she started, she gave us a definition which was: A contest with rules, to determine a winner, develops thinking abilities.

Personally, this definition is certainty truth because when children are playing a game they get engage so, they are interested on something which is funny and at the same time develop skills.

With games you can catch the attention not only in children but also on everybody. The use of games help you in teaching grammar, engage students or make students comfortable at the beginning of the lesson.

Francisca made a brief and precise presentation which was very good to the audience because she knew about she was telling us and gave us a very interesting example of game.

Educación 2020 wants to know our opinion.

According to the article that La Tercera published, are

mentioned 3 of 15 important proposals that Educación 2020 wants to accomplish in a quality education in the next year.

But, what are they?

First, they propose the creat

ion of an international program to train principals, second, a bill about teaching professional career and finally the improvement of teacher’s status by giving an incentive for teachers of excellence or the best students who wants to be teachers.

If you recognize every point of this article they try to emphasize the training as a solid base in teachers, its means that teachers, even before they are, must have a perfect training, from the beginning, through useful tools such as giving bonus to who is best or training principals, but in international programs, which is the basic to manage schools. It means, considering these important aspect we can have the desired quality education in the year 2020.

Freedom writers

Non -Fiction film
Main characters:

§ Hilary Swank como Erin Gruwell

§ Scott Glenn como Steve Gruwell

§ Patrick Dempsey como Scott Casey

§ Imelda Staunton como Margaret Campbell

§ April Lee Hernández como Eva Benitez

§ Mario como Andre Bryant

§ Kristin Herrera como Gloria

§ Jaclyn Ngan como Sindy

§ Sergio Montalvo como Alejandro Santiago

Directed by Richard La Gravenese in 2007 freedom writers became a movie which won an award and it was based on the book “the freedom writer’s diary”: How a teacher and 150 teens used writing to change themselves and the world around them by the teacher Erin Gruwell, this book is a real story about Woodrow Wilson Classical High School in Long Beach, California.

This film took place in the riots in 1992 when the wrestle among Latinos, Black and white people was never-ending.

I really like this film. First of all, the Role of the teacher is very inspired to us, because she all the time was firm with her ideas, unfortunately, at the beginning, it was not accomplish; however she could realized the students are capable to change their thoughts about the racial situation.

We, as future teachers, this kind of troubles can be come up in our classroom, nevertheless, the perseverance which the teacher had in every class to achieve the respect among them. It could be that the movie exaggerate some scenes in comparison with our country I mean, in the Chilean context, but really helps or realize that problematic students exist.

How does T.V. affect teenagers?... By Mariluz.

The video that Mariluz showed us was really engage and caught the attention in all of us because it represented the effect that we consciously do not realize, it cause action that we unconsciously do in real life such as to imitate that we watch from it, it means that T.V. can change our thoughts or the way that we confront our lifestyle.

Nowadays is a very common illness like anorexia which if you do not detect the consequences will be mortal. I also think that students are discovering themselves in every moment so, we, as a teacher should know what they are thinking or living, that is why they need our help because they are very sensitive and they do not know what the way of their life is and T.V. is one of the most influential aspects in their minds.

In general terms the presentation was interesting, engaged, well structured and useful. Mariluz made a very good job.

Management strategies... By Romina

The Micro lesson that Romina presented, has an important role in our future as teachers… Why? Because we are very closer to be in the reality, I mean inside the classroom, working with children and their behaviors so, Romina gave us a useful and practical way to manage children such as techniques which students behave when there are in class, for example when the students are very talkative the advice is: Stand up in front of them and wait till they realize what the teacher is waiting for so, the reaction is always the same, they started to get quiet and the class can begin; however there are some classes which are more difficult to control them, but that is when we have to do our labor , I mean to keep the order inside the classroom.

I really liked this topic; however her presentation, specifically, the slides were very crowded which made it boring.

Study abroad... camilo´s presentation

In terms of structure this presentation was quite good in contents; however Camilo did not realize that the images that he used as PPT were not helping to watch the information on that.

On the other hand he specified some aspect which people have to know or considered, at least, when they study abroad or the exams that we have to take to travel to another English country... For example he mentioned the amount of money which is very important because we as students is very expensive as our classmates told us when they study last year.

When Camilo talked about the standard exams, he showed us an example of TOEFL in which took much time and the presentation became too long.

Finally Camilo was self-confident when he presented because he knew very well about he was talking and he also gave us an engage presentation.